WASD to move, click to shoot, space to jump. Your projectiles can be used to collect items as well as scout for spikes - they block projectiles. Every jump makes only one layer (platforms, spikes, ladders or bouncing shrooms) visible.

If you cannot see something, it doesn't mean is not there anymore - after all, life in two dimensions must be really difficult, you basically can see only one layer at a time.

You can play either fast and loose and remember stuff as you go, or carefully, slowly switch layers and plan your jumps. You will die a lot either way - its meant to make you mad. All 3 levels are very much finishable without deaths - if you know the path. I hope you'll have as much fun dying as I did

Rick done messed up again, put our poor Ginger in a course and didn't think how it could look from his point of view - so of course he will have really hard time navigating.


For those who care - this is my first even remote attempt on a game, i am trying to learn over nights (some gamedev.tv courses - one of which i used and "broken") when i got some bits of spare energy left from work (not even remotely IT related) and child. Speaking of which, my 5yo got sick day after the jam got started and the little time i had planned free went outta window. 

There were SO MANY things I had to give up on in order make it this far, from start/ending screens, different life options to dialog bubbles commenting your failures, game looks different on browser and i only managed to do one last minute adjustment to camera...I hope at least the level design is decent - it forces you into difficult jumps and baits you into deaths you didn't see coming

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